Considering couples therapy is a brave, big step.

It means you value your relationship to the point of allowing a stranger access into your most intimate experiences.

That could include intimacy issues, talking about the hurt when your partner dismisses your feelings, feeling like no matter what you do, you don’t get attention from your partner.

Feeling unloved and lonely.

Is your relationship headed down a path you never expected?

Couples can feel triggered by their reactions to their partner’s unspoken language like silence, coldness, or withholding love.

Discouraged, feeling overwhelmed by the gravity of the problem and inability to communicate.

But what attracted you to each other can be rekindled.

Find a safe place to express your true feelings and be heard without causing more damage.

Take this journey together.

I honor your decision to seek help by letting my clients know that it’s a journey they have to take together.

I’ll be there to guide you and give you suggestions and feedback, knowing that most of your work is done outside the session.

I use Imago Relationship Therapy. It allows clients to connect with the emotions that triggered them as a child and learn how to communicate that with their partner to build better understanding of how best to truly listen and respond.

Imago therapy helps clients improve their communication by learning to not only respect each other’s feelings, but give them an understanding of what hasn’t worked for them in the past and what needs to be done to change it.

Your path to a stronger relationship is just a phone call away.

Contact me today and let’s talk about how I can help (202) 813-0707.